Lagergren’s pseudo-first-order supposes that the biosorption process relies merely upon the level of Cr(VI) ions in the aqueous phase and the biosorbent’s accessible binding sites at any time [41]. The pseudo-first-order model Equation is presented in Table 2. The pseudo-second-order ...
The mathematical foundation is obtained from the solution of Equation (4) to thermodynamically analyze the devices installed in the ORC system (boiler, turbine, pump, cooling tower, and heat exchanger). To calculate the thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle system, the following equation is used:...
The ion exchange equation is expressed as follows: Ca2++2NaX = 2Na++CaX2 (10) (iv) Saturation indices of minerals The dissolution or precipitation of minerals depends on the saturation indices of minerals, which ...
The model is based on the ideal gas equation, matter energy conservation, and physical chemistry laws. It has been validated that the model, which is mathematically simple for system parameters and control designs, can represent the static and dynamic characteristics of a 60 kW PEMFC generation ...
4D Star is a unified framework that reveals how human systems achieve sustainable vitality across all scales. By integrating enduring realities, temporal dynamics, and six interdependent elements, it illuminates the fundamental patterns driving successfu
2003. Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Physic-Chemistry of Typical Epikarst Springs Under Different Vegetation——A Case Study of Landiantang Spring and Dongwang Spring at Nongla Village, Mashan County, Guangxi[J]. Carsologica Sinica, 22(1): 1-5(in Chinese with English abstract). ...
万方数据 第4期 卢彦:应用逐个单因素分析法识别几种油脂 Table 2 表2 使用R version 2.8.1软件建立的判别公式 The discriminant equation established by using the R version 2.8.1 software .57· C14:0 一 C16:0 C17:0 0.3(xz一3.6)2 C18:0 2.22(x4—1.3s)2 C18:l 0.002(x5—47.68)2 C18:2 ...
Relaxation of the Ising spin system coupled to a bosonic bath and the time dependent mean field equation The Ising model doesn't have a strictly defined dynamics, only a spectrum. There are different ways to equip it with a time dependence e.g. the Glauber or the Kawasaki dynamics, which ...
we pe舶咖ed a quantitatiVe analysis using DRS诵th multiple linear regressions a11d t}le following regression equation was obtained:Hematite (%)=0.543 red一1.026 orange+1.191(r 2=O.97) In the re铲ession equation, spec扛al red shows a positive correlation with hematite content,whereas spect商 ...