Mehr anzeigen Verwandtes Thema Papier, Zellstoff & Pappe 586Industrieprodukte 995Drucken & Drucken 799Schreibwaren 232Chemikalien & Farbstoffe 1214Kunststoff & Polymere 476Computer & Geräte 1343Marketing 1218HR, Jobs & Karriere 3234Bücher & Verlagswesen 402Mehr anzeigen...
Jobs-Housing Spatial Mismatch Condition in Public Rental Housing in Chongqing, China. In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (pp. 521-530). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. •Li, X., Shen, Q.P.,Luo, L., Xue, F., and...
according to finance minister Peter Altmaier. The Berlin government has marked support for investment in electric vehicles and their production as a way to pivot from fossil fuels and secure manufacturing jobs. "There needs to be research and development, too. All companies that fulfill...
"Yes, it's pretty vague, isn't it? A good many places lie to the northwest of Bangkok. Even Berlin does, for that matter." Rutherford paused and filled up my glass and his own. It had been a queer story—or else he had made it seem so; I hardly knew which. The music part ...
Applying for a job?Jobs section Spotify USA, Inc. provides the Spotify service to users in the United States. Spotify AB provides the Spotify service to users in all other markets. Spotify HQ Spotify AB Regeringsgatan 19 SE-111 53 Stockholm ...
Den Anfang macht dieBassGangaus Berlin-Friedrichshain. Wie man unschwer erkennt, leiten die Mitglieder ihren Dresscode vor allem aus der Grime- und UK-Bass-Szene ab und sind durch und durch von den 90ern geprägt (was vielleicht auch daran liegt, dass sie im Gegensatz zu uns alten S...