The candidates will have to attempt 180 questions worth 180 Marks for the KVS PRT Exam 2024. The candidates must remember that the questions will be bilingual and presented in a Multiple Choice Objective type question format. There is no negative marking so the candidates must attempt as many q...
Candidates who are preparing for KVS examination are eagerly waiting for KVS PRT Exam Analysis 2023 which has been concluding at 12 PM. Here ADDA247 is going to provide you with daily Post wise analysis which will help candidates in exam preparation, understanding question patterns and KVS Exam....
They provide an in-depth analysis of the syllabus, exam pattern, and question paper format. The books also include practice questions and solved sample papers to help candidates build their confidence and master the exam. Best Books for KVS Exam 2025 The candidates can go through the practice ...
KVS Exam date 2023has been released in official notification. A candidate who has started preparing for the KVS examination for teaching and non-teaching posts wants to know about the KVS Exam date and Schedule. KVS Examination will be held in 2 shifts for 150 minutes for each paper. KVS Ex...
1000/- for each question. This will help them evaluate their performance and calculate the tentative scores acquired in the exam. All the candidates are advised to follow the procedure for challenging the KVS Librarian Answer Key. Candidates have to log in to submit their challenge for the KVS...