01 我最近刚装了,没有遇到什么问题。同pve8。折腾完一阵空虚。是不是要改media=cdrom为cache=unsafe...
KVM-Opencore Opencore Configuration of KVM Hackintosh with tweaks. We propose best practice for KVM users. Status OS: tested in Catalina 10.15.x Opencore: 0.5.6 NVRAM: native AppleHotKey: works FileVault: un-tested Boot-Audio: works with onboard audio passthrough ...
本项目源于https://github.com/thenickdude/KVM-Opencore/releases他的V21版本,这个版本修复了直通独显卡900秒(20分钟)问题(其实他是没修复的,他的oc里面是没加-v参数的,他可能觉得解决了问题,觉得是蓝牙导致的,其实-v开启了一样出卡900秒或者20分钟才能进系统问题) ...
黑果小兵的镜像包里面含有三个独立的EFI引导分区,同时支持 OpenCore / CLOVER / WEPE引导,这里建议先不要做替换EFI的操作,先用提供的EFI安装好一同以后再将EFI替换称自己的即可。 🦣第六步 调整主板Bios设置 重启按F2进入BIOS(电脑不一样,按键也不一样,就看自己电脑型号); ...
OSX-KVM:在QEMUKVM上运行macOS。 现在有了OpenCore + Big Sur支持! 仅提供商业(付费)支持Li**ly 上传80.42MB 文件格式 zip macos emulation qemu 注意 此README.md介绍了创建Virtual Hackintosh系统的过程。 注意:此存储库中包含的所有Blob和资源都是可派生的(包括所有说明!)。 :green_heart: 寻找与此东西有...
Updated OpenCore to 0.8.5 to add support for Ventura Final. Disabled TRIM on boot to speed up boot, which also applies to VM disks with "discard" enabled (you can re-enable full disk trim on boot by settingSetApfsTrimTimeoutto-1if you like). ...
thought I had seen one a while back, all that is required to boot and keep iServices happy, but I could surely be wrong. I (think I) have the needed basic information (from my old laptop with a dead screen), but very likely some kvm setting is causing the non-boot issue (in 0.6...
kholia/OSX-KVM: Run macOS on QEMU/KVM. With OpenCore + Big Sur support now! Only commercial (paid) support is available. foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM: Tools to set up a quick macOS VM in QEMU, accelerated by KVM. However, in trying to be as universal as possible, these prebuilt options ...
https://github.com/sickcodes/Docker-OSX: "Run Mac in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X!" https://github.com/thenickdude/KVM-Opencore: "OpenCore disk image for Proxmox/QEMU" Requirements # Ubuntu, Debian, Pop sudo apt update -y sudo apt...