当KVM虚拟机出现“no bootable device”错误时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查KVM虚拟机配置是否正确: 使用virsh edit <vm-name>命令编辑虚拟机的配置文件(.xml文件)。 在配置文件中,关注<devices>部分,特别是<disk>和<interface>元素。 确保<disk>元素中的device属...
我的电脑装的是windows10 vmware里的虚拟机叫KVM1 KVM1里装虚拟机vm1 接(一)篇在虚拟机上建虚拟机,我先在vmware里给虚拟机添加了一块80G的硬盘,通过VMare Tools拖拽进去了CentOs7.iso ,然后用vmware然后打开virt-manager新建虚拟机,设置完成后点finsh报错: no bootable device 引导显示:could not read from cd...
这个文件不像MS-DOS的开机文件MSDOS.SYS。这个文件只是一个普通文本文件。包含了两个段落——[Paths]和[Options]。可以修改这个文件,来改变系统的一些属性。 [Paths]段列出了Windows 95其它文件的位置(如注册文件等)。[Options]段则使你可以用来设定自己的喜欢的开机模式。 简介如下: 1. [Paths] 段的设置 ---...
no bootable device这个是没有引导设备 ,你用的kvm,这个需要指明cdrom是引导设备的。可以参考我下面的配置。virt-install --name=gzxtest02 --ram 4096 --vcpus=16 --autostart --hvm \--disk path=/data/kvmimg/gzxtest02.qcow2,size=60,format=qcow2 \--cdrom /data/download/CentOS...
Check whether the snapshot exists on the storage device attached to the host whose roles value is blockstorage-driver in the AZ. If yes, go to 10. If no, contact technical support for assistance. Log in to the OceanStor DeviceManager page of the IP SAN device, choose Storage Resource >...
Check whether the snapshot exists on the storage device attached to the host whose roles value is blockstorage-driver in the AZ. If yes, go to 10. If no, contact technical support for assistance. Log in to the OceanStor DeviceManager page of the IP SAN device, choose Storage Resource >...
No bootable device. I am unable to continue. But, if I logon to Proxmox VE host, as root, and mount /dev/sr0 -t iso9660 -r /cdrom I can ls /cdrom, all is well. Please help. Thank you.N nt_support New Member Mar 29, 2011 9 0 1 Norfolk Island Sep 20, 2011 #6 Hi,...
We use Linux in this example, but there are similar utilities for Windows. Leave both DNS entries empty to use the default Cisco Umbrella DNS servers. To operate in a non-DNS environment, set both entries to “None” (not case sensitive). ...
To configure a Windows guest for Multiqueue install the Redhat VirtIO Ethernet Adapter drivers, then adapt the NIC’s configuration as follows. Open the device manager, right click the NIC under "Network adapters", and select "Properties". Then open the "Advanced" tab and select "Receive Side...