Convert kVA to amps with this calculator and learn the conversion formulas for converting kVA to amps in single and three-phase circuits.
Enter phase number, the current in amps, the voltage in volts and press the Calculate button to get the apparent power in kilovolt-amps:Select phase #: Enter amps: A Enter volts: V Result in kilovolt-amps: kVAkVA to amps calculator ►...
One common example when kVA to amps conversion is relevant is a generator. For example, you have the Americas Generators 65 kVA generator (on 220 V) and want to know how many amps you can get from that. Let’s use the kVA to amps calculator above to answer that: As we can see, a...
How to convert apparent power in kilovolt-amps (kVA) toelectric currentinamps (A). You can calculate amps from kilovolt-amps andvolts, but you can't convert kilovolt-amps to amps since kilovolt-amps and amps units do not measure the same quantity. Single phase kVA to amps calculation formu...
Convert kilovolt-amps to volt-amps using this calculator, plus see the formulas for the kVA to VA conversion.
The kVA/power calculator will display the diesel generator kVA rating required to operate the equipment. Watts calculator to calculate Watts divided by Volts to Amps or Volts times Amps(current) to power(Watts).
1) Enter any two values to calculate the third. 2) Tap "Calculate". 3) Tap "Reset" to carry out a new calculation or conversion. This kVA converter was designed and engineered for iOS (iPhone and iPad) and is a great companion to our Watts Amps Volts Calculator app. ...
Kilovolt-amps (kVA) to volt-amps (VA) calculator.Enter apparent power in kilovolt-amps and power factor and press the Calculate button to get the apparent power in volt-amps:Enter kilovolt-amps: kVA Result in volt-amps: VAVA to kVA calculator ►...
Convert amps (A) to kilovolt-amps (kVA) to find the power rating of an electrical system by entering the current in amps and voltage below. The calculator supports single-phase and three-phase systems. Phase: Current: amps Voltage: volts convert kVA to amps Kilovolt-Amps: kVA ...