The Stormsurge mounts two weapon arrays that can deal with both armoured targets and infantry. The main weapon is the cluster rocket system, which saturates the enemy ranks with salvos of Drone-guided warheads. Below it are housed a pair of destroyer missiles, an advanced form of seeker missi...
A KV128 Stormsurge The KV128 Stormsurge is a type of heavy Tau Battlesuit.[3] Contents [hide] 1 Overview 2 Known KV128 Pilots 3 Images 4 See Also 5 Sources Overview The Stormsurge is a heavy weapons platform designed to serve as the Tau Empire's Titan killer, created by Earth ...
The Stormsurge is operated by a carefully selected pairing of veteran Hammerhead crewmen, who have graduated through the ballistic suit academies on Bork'an. The prestige of operating a ballistic suit is not equal to that of donning the Hero's Mantle, but the steely eyed graduates of the so...
战锤40K模型欣赏 | KV128雷暴Stormsurge 炮击机甲 战锤40K系列:KV128雷暴机甲装备适用于摧毁帝国骑士和泰坦等其他超重型作战单位。KV128(编号名称)雷暴,装备了最先进的大火力轰击武器,还配置了巨大的火箭发射巢及其他次级辅助武器系统,时刻准备消灭小型目标。战锤40K机甲武器装备系列 KV128 Empire Stormsurge 战锤40K...
A missile arced out and hit the enemy aircraft straight on the nose. It exploded and veered wildly over the shoulder of the Stormsurge, crashing into the ice. 一枚导弹画出一道弧线,正中敌方飞行器的机头处。敌机凌空爆炸了,它失控的转向掠过风暴潮的肩部,一头扎向冰面。
Ground anchors stabilise the Stormsurge ready for firing. Here they are shown stowed, while in the larger picture to the left they are shown deployed into the ground. 6.脉冲驱动加农炮会产生惊人的热量。位于炮身两侧及下方的板页可以被做成打开的样式以表示炮手正在进行散热。
Working as a seamless team, the crew operate their towering suit, one piloting the Stormsurge while the other monitors, aims, and fires its weapon systems. 两名驾驶员会作为一个合作无间的团队来操作他们高大的战斗服,一个负责操纵雷暴战斗服(移动),同时另一个负责检查、瞄准和击发武器系统。