(Main Directorate of Armed Forces), which did not have a heavy tank on par with these parameters. As a result, on 21st March, the GABTU released a set of requirements for a new tank which was to receive the index Object 224 and general name KV-4. This would have a weight of ...
KV-4_百度百科baike.baidu.com/item/KV-4/23357191?fr=aladdin KV-4怎么样|KV-4使用感受|KV-4攻略-【坦克世界】wot.kongzhong.com/wiki/tankthirdhtml/11009.html https://worldoftanks.asia/zh-tw/tankopedia/11009-R73_KV4/worldoftanks.asia/zh-tw/tankopedia/11009-R73_KV4/坦克世界高清...
Design proposal by G. Kruchyonyh for the KV-4 (Object 224) heavy tank competition held between the engineers at the LKZ factory in 1941.
she could fight in the world of simpleplanes.How to control:AG1 to active the main gun turret.AG2 to active the secondary turret.Pitch to move back and forward ,AG3 to active the engine,yaw to turn the tank.The turrets are controlled by trim and VTOL.This is my first tank,hope u ...
Trainz Railroad Simulator 苏联 wot_nation_common 中国 德国 意大利 捷克斯洛伐克 日本 法国 波兰 瑞典 美国 苏联 英国 重型坦克 轻型坦克 中型坦克 重型坦克 坦克歼击车 自行火炮 KV-4 Turchaninov Varyag Churchill III KV KV-1 KV-1 shielded KV-1SA ...
yughostyu 尖兵 9 h tt p://worldoftanks.康姆/news/1042-tank-preview-kv-4/ 美服原贴地址康姆=com 15楼2012-02-19 12:53 回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
VIII KV-4 KTTS 是一辆VIII级金币自行反坦克炮,无论是外观还是名称,无不透露出凶悍本色。它以超重型坦克KV-4为基础而打造,是一辆拥有坚固装甲的巨兽,尤其是侧面装甲。 除了装甲以外,KV-4 KTTS还配备一门试制107毫米火炮,该火炮具有高额的平均每分钟损伤,足以将重型坦克迅速送回车库! 如果您想利用如此攻击力痛击...
The КV-4 КТТS an heavy tank destroyer,equipped with a experimental107mm gun M-75 (ZiS-24),built on the KV-4 tank hull project and existed only in drawingswasan tier 7 initially when we got first sight of it but since thenthe tank got modified and is now viable to be tier 8...
爱国者KV44碾压美军T57和M26潘兴坦克,冲入国防部逮捕最高统帅, 视频播放量 8151、弹幕量 1、点赞数 60、投硬币枚数 3、收藏人数 23、转发人数 0, 视频作者 TankAnime, 作者简介 解说有趣的坦克动画,相关视频:关于东方一号的强度如何,何为东方一号,【角色介绍】塔尔洛斯