This paper shows that the iconic Kuznets Curve can be derived from the Inequality Process (IP), a conservative particle system, presenting a counter-example to Gallegati et al.'s claim. The IP reproduces the Kuznets Curve as the Gini ratio of a mixture of two IP stationary distributions, ...
(2012) analysed the impact of the energy consumption and CO2 emissions ratio on both energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the Baltic countries. Focusing on the global financial crisis, they suggest that the crisis have hindered actions to combat CO2 emissions and excess consumption of energy. ...
Since Gini coefficient presents only an aggregate measure of inequality in a distribution, detailed patterns of differences across different levels of income cannot be specified by the size of Gini coefficient. As the quintile ratio is the ratio of the per capita expenditure of the top 7.0 6.0 ...
inequalityColombiaThe literature that studied the ratio between economy and environment has been concerned with contrasting the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis (EKC). Traditionally, environmental degradation has been measured through some 'proxy' of air pollution (CO 2 , for example). This paper ...
The model is estimated using two popular measures of inequality—the Gini coefficient, and the ratio of income shares in income distribution—using a panel data set for 57 countries from 1987 to 2006. The results provide support for Kuznets' hypothesis; however, the relationship between growth ...
Economic Impacts of Environmental Trade Policies A Survey 热度: SURVEY EnvironmentalKuznetsCurveHypothesis:ASurvey SoumyanandaDinda * EconomicResearchUnit,IndianStatisticalInstitute,203,B.T.Road,Kolkata-108,India S.R.FatepuriaCollege,Beldanga,Murshidabad,W.B.,India ...
Additionally, we incorporate energy productivity, which represents the ratio of gross domestic product (GDP) to overall energy mix consumption. This variable is included due to the significance placed by previous literature on income and environmental degradation (Ajmi et al., 2023). Improving energy...
The most recent UK data show that the ratio of government spending to GDP is 22.2% (World Bank 2022). When viewed from this aspect, the results are consistent with De Witte and Moesen (2010) in the sense that the UK is still on its way to the peak of the Armey curve. This is ...
The Income-Gini elasticity for Four Asian Income Groups in: 1990–2010. The Income-Gini elasticity (that is, the ratio of percentage change in the Gini coefficients divided by the ratio of percentage change in per capita income) can be an indication of the growth impact on income inequality....
The Buffet Indicator is a measure of the totalvalueof all publicly-traded stocks in a country divided by that country’s GDP. It’s a measure and ratio to evaluate whether a market is undervalued or overvalued. It’s one of Warren Buffet’s favorite measures as a warning thatfinancialmarket...