lkretim 7. Snf rencilerinin "Kuvvet Ve Hareket" nitesini renmelerine Betimleme Modlarn Kullanmalarnn Etkisi doi:10.14812/cufej.2015.002The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact on secondary school students' learning "force and motion" unit using modal ...
Gen Erikinlerde Ayak Bilei Hareket Akl, Kas Kuvveti ve Denge Arasndaki likidoi:10.22312/sdusbed.705359Objective: It has been proposed that sufficient range of motion in ankle joint and proper functioning of muscles surrounding ankle are essential for maintaining balance and...
Beden Eitimi ve Spor Dersi Disiplinler Aras retim Yaklam Uygulamasnn Kuvvet ve Hareket nitesi Bilgisi ve Tutum Eriileri ile Kalcla Etkisidoi:10.55929/besad.1120479The connection between the education that children receive in schools and daily life necessities prepares them for life...
23 Kasm 2022 Düzce Depreminin (Mw 6,0) Blgesel Sismisite ve Kuvvetli Yer Hareketleri Asndan Deerlendirilmesidoi:10.35234/fumbd.1430199The earthquake with a moment magnitude (Mw) of 6.0 occurred in Glyaka district of D眉zce province at 04:08 on November 23, ...