northwestern India) communicates with Da Qin (the Roman Empire). Precious things from Da Qin can be found there, as well as fine cotton cloths, excellent wool carpets, perfumes of all sorts, sugar loaves
1)Kushan Empire贵霜帝国 1.Kushan Empire and the Relation between It and Han Dynasty;贵霜帝国及其与两汉的关系 2.An Outlined Research on Kushan Empire and its Culture贵霜帝国及其文化研究概述 2)Kushan Kings贵霜国王 1.On the Evolution of the Religious Beliefs of the Kushan Kings and Its Primary ...
Kushan Empire under Kanishka The principality was consolidated and expanded by able successors who extended its boundaries until it grew to become a kingdom in the true sense of the word. From then on it burgeoned into a vast empire straddling Central Asia, Afghanistan and north India. For a ...