“犍陀罗雕塑艺术 / Gandhara Sculpture Art”——贵霜王朝(Kushan Empire,30—375AD) 雍达Jasmin Gao 教师资格证持证人31 人赞同了该文章 【最美佛陀头像】 一、贵霜王朝丨犍陀罗佛陀头像(30—375AD) 出产时间:四至五世纪 出产地:阿富汗哈达或巴基斯坦塔克西拉古城犍陀罗灰泥雕塑像,高29.2cm英国伦敦...
northwestern India) communicates with Da Qin (the Roman Empire). Precious things from Da Qin can be found there, as well as fine cotton cloths, excellent wool carpets, perfumes of all sorts, sugar loaves
For art to have flourished, as it is evident it did, the empire of the Kushans must surely have providedthe appropriate opportunity, impetus and support. And that could only have been possible if there was a measure of stability, prosperity and inherent regard for the need and value of cul...
but it is clear that the culture this king ruled over was strongly allied to the great Kushan empire then on the wane in India. Whether they were a clan distinct from the later Licchavi kings, or whether they were the earliest of the Licchavis, is still uncertain....