必应词典为您提供Kushan-Dynasty的释义,网络释义: 贵霜王朝;贵霜皇朝;贵霜王统;
Kushan dynasty, late 2nd to early 3rd century AD, Gandhara, (Freer Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA). 犍陀罗雕塑的佛陀出生(Birth of the Siddhartha)主题,摩耶夫人右手抓着树, 悉达多太子从右脇生出来。这个雕塑形象,是因陀罗(indra 帝释天)从右脇诞生的印度神话与右手攀枝的树女神 yakṣī造型的...
从西元二、三世纪的贵霜王朝(Kushan Dynasty)延续至西元四、五世纪的笈多王朝(Gupta Dynasty),是印度佛教艺术发展 …dduart.blogspot.com|基于8个网页 2. 贵霜皇朝 ...著还有波斯和阿富汗人, 从中央亚细亚进来, 建立了贵霜皇朝 ( Kushan Dynasty ), 也带来一丝毫的拜火教影子. 然后是土耳其突 …womunyichai....
Kushan Empire Map EmailBuy Now *Map showing the Kushan empire with capital cities and current country boundaries. Kushan dynasty existed from 30 to 375 AD. Disclaimer:All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its directors do not own any ...
The history of Kushan dynasty is often neglected as throwing little light on the cultural history of India and, this being so, attention has so far been paid only to the problems connected with the chronology of the Kushan kings and with the origin of the Buddha figure. For the first time...
Epoch of Glory-The Kushan Dynasty Although the Gupta period is generally considered to be the Golden Age, there was a remarkable epoch before it, which had its own measure of glory. This was when the Kushans held sway with their empire straddling Central Asia, Afghanistan and North India. ...
a Kushan vassal named Kidara overthrew the old Kushan dynasty and established the Kidarite Kingdom. The Kushan style of Kidarite coins indicates they considered themselves Kushans. The Kidarite had been rather prosperous, although on a smaller scale than their Kushan predecessors. The invasions of...
Who was the last king of Kushan dynasty? Who created the Mughal Empire? How did the Kushan Empire come into being? Who was the greatest Kushan ruler? Who was the founder of the Songhai empire? Who founded the Assyrian Empire? Who ruled the Akkadian Empire?
It rose to power and influence due to its strategic position around the trading cities and roads of the Silk Road, as well as its strategic position in Central Asia, and is today most well-known for helping to foster commerce and diplomacy between the Han Dynasty of China and the Roman ...
3.After Kushan Dynasty's rising in the1 st century AD; Buddhism was introduced to Iran and middle Asia and into China along the Silk Road.公元1世纪,贵霜王朝兴起后,佛教传至伊朗、亚各地,又由丝绸之路传入中国。 4.a secretary to a monarch or noble.国王的秘书,贵族的秘书. 5.The barons intrig...