4:37 Wolf Alice - Don't Delete the Kisses (Official Video) 1 人观看 4:54 Jonathan Bree - You're So Cool 1 人观看 Kurt Vonnegut, Shape of Stories 1 人观看 4年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Bakhshalieva Seva 458个粉丝...
Gee… irony elicits a more frenetic approach in the age ofBuzzFeed,Twitter, andYouTube. (Nailed it!) Irony and humanity run neck and neck in Vonnegut’s work, but his appreciation for his Hoosier upbringing wasnever less than s...
Kurt Vonnegut had many endearing qualities, one being that he liked to travel to universities where he delivered a talk called 'How To Get A Job Like Mine.' The substance, however, was always different, and the conversation often didn't focus on the writ