the FBI releaseda 10-page file that included letters from fans urging the agency to investigate Cobain's death as a possible homicide. The FBI concluded, "We are unable to identify any violation of federal law within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI," adding that, "Most homicide/deat...
During Nirvana's career, Texas was blessed to see the band during their prime. Kurt Cobain, without a doubt, is one of the most important rock figures in history; before his tragic death in 1994,Nirvanabecame one the main bands that helped make grunge music become so popular in the late ...
In the years since Cobain chose to take his life, his death has remained a subject of curiosity for some. There are those who believe the official cause of death is incorrect, your usual conspiracy theorists. Love's PI is one of them. Grant believes Cobain was murdered, and he supports ...