Kuroro Ranch作为Kuroro Beasts生态系统的重要组成部分,由Trudan Studios精心打造。近期,Kuroro Beasts与Trudan Studios成功筹集了250万美元的战略融资,此次融资由Sanctor Capital、AnimocaBrands以及多位链游项目创始人共同参与。这些资金将助力Kuroro生态系统的持续发展与壮大,为用户带来更多精彩的游戏体验。活动详情 Kuror...
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However, in this game, it is not yet confirmed if the beasts on Kuroro Ranch will be NFTs owned by the player. A Clicker Game: Players need to farm shards by tapping a violet-colored item on the main page. These farm shards are the food of the beasts, players can feed their beasts...
Beasts with elemental powers roam free as trainers from around the world set out to explore, collect, craft, battle and master the elements.
Kuroro Wildsis the flagship title of a wider gaming ecosystem called Kuroro, which is still developing. This franchise includes three other projects:Kuroro Ranch, a Tamagochi-style Telegram game that is currently live; Kuroro Beast Brawl, a battle arena game gearing up for beta launch; andKuroro...