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One Piece Kiken na Deai! Kurohige to Ame no Shiryuu(Season 1, Episode 445) TV-14 TV Episode|Animation, Action, Adventure Edit pageAdd to list The Jailer Beasts arrive and overpower many of the prisoners, but Luffy, Jinbe and Crocodile defeat them in a single attack each. ...
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One Piece Ichioku no Otoko! Sekai Saikou Kenryoku to Kaizoku Kurohige(Season 1, Episode 151) TV-14 TV Episode|24 min|Animation, Action, Adventure Edit pageAdd to list Luffy defeats Bellamy and recovers Cricket's gold. Writers Eiichirô Oda(comics) (as Eiichiro Oda)|Yoshiyuki Suga(script)...
《灵巧的黑胡子 The Dodging KUROHIGE》是一款流行的空中躲避动作游戏。黑胡子“砰”地一声从被人间大炮打倒空中。黑胡子在空中急速飞行,你需要操作他躲避天空中的敌人,尽可能地收集到更多的完美。值得注意的是,并不是所有的空中对象都是敌人,有些是能帮助你的辅助物品。在翱翔中刷出高分吧,这款《灵巧的黑胡子 Th...
The judging KUROHIGE游戏简介 In how many seconds can you judge the item of 20? elapsed time remaining items Explanation of an item Put in the trash to a can. Put in the treasure to a box. He comes out from barrel with something. Let's judge trash or treasure!