英文名称 : Kuro-Obi Karate Spirit 日文名称 : カラテ魂 KURO-OBI 卡片编号 : EXFO-EN081 卡片种类 : 效果怪兽 / 灵魂怪兽, 灵摆怪兽 属性: 风 种族: 战士族 星: 5 P scale : 蓝: 9 /红: 9 攻击力 : 2400 防御力 : 1000 稀有度 : Normal 使用性 : OCG: 无限制 | TCG: 无限...
Karate Club Sensei Roy Lee Gatjens
5、使用所有的空手道卡塔尔,KARATE-DO在这个终极格斗的游戏。 游戏截图 <> 多平台下载 Android版 kuroobi空手道手机版 v1.11 安卓版 包名:com.MacHopes.ik MD5:125f5fca3c0c6cf00f098588185f3dd4 共0人参与互动,查看所有0条评论>网友评论 (您的评论需要经过审核才能显示) 玩家QQ群号:827779939 我来说两句......
Kuroobi[6] is a ray fish-man and an officer of the Arlong Pirates,[2] who was once a member of the Sun Pirates.[3] He is one of the major antagonists of the Arlong Park Arc. Kuroobi has the typical appearance of a martial artist with a dark blue gi and a
She wears a light-green girl's yukata with a plain, yellow flower pattern, several differently colored and patterned patch-works, and a yellow, bow-knotted tsuke obi with long tails in the back as well as a light-pink obiage, and an orange obijime. For footwear, the girl has brown-s...