While watching developer interviews they hint a lot at Seasonal realms being a testing ground for future features in Classic. But I haven’t heard them say directly that Classic era will be left alone. Is that something t…
While watching developer interviews they hint a lot at Seasonal realms being a testing ground for future features in Classic. But I haven’t heard them say directly that Classic era will be left alone. Is that something t…
While watching developer interviews they hint a lot at Seasonal realms being a testing ground for future features in Classic. But I haven’t heard them say directly that Classic era will be left alone. Is that something t…
WOTLK would kill Classic WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Maledictus-kurinnaxx October 4, 2019, 3:23pm 56 Flozzel: grunt Hggghhh… ZUG ZUG! Derpa zug blgrhggg! Another retail player coming into classic forums spouting nonsense. It must be Friday.show...
hello all willing to Xfer if needed to a pve server I am a lvl 60 Dwarf priest looking for a new guild that raids thur-fri-sat, I have full clear xp, on BWL, MC, ZG i have 5 tier 2 pieces and some bwl non tier pieces. …
WoW Classic Season of Discovery Cezar-kurinnaxx October 9, 2024, 4:41am 21 Pobezo: I have 4x r13 mages in vanilla and era and now sod. Mage is so dog poop it sucks to log on and play it. After I get r13 im quitting it Mage is insane good in Era, just pure crap in SoD, ...
People don’t understand the real issue and I have seen a few people bring it up, the arena population is going to be drastically reduced because they are literally giving the finger to anyone who is new to arena or who i…