WOTLK would kill Classic WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Maledictus-kurinnaxx October 4, 2019, 3:23pm 56 Flozzel: grunt Hggghhh… ZUG ZUG! Derpa zug blgrhggg! Another retail player coming into classic forums spouting nonsense. It must be Friday.show...
WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion Elite-kurinnaxx September 15, 2019, 7:47pm 59 Hey Carnagez, I noticed a lot of people asking similar questions, so I put up a bit of a guide for low level (~40+) Warrior tanking. Would appreciate any feedback. Carnagez: How do you have ...
hello all willing to Xfer if needed to a pve server I am a lvl 60 Dwarf priest looking for a new guild that raids thur-fri-sat, I have full clear xp, on BWL, MC, ZG i have 5 tier 2 pieces and some bwl non tier pieces. …
The S3 goals were set to curb AFK farming it worked perfectly. S4 weapons and shoulders become too exclusive for the mid / lower tier players turning them off from arena in turn participation goes down… As a result im stuck playing vs the same 2 to 5 teams with one for sure that will...