podcast: voices of kurimanzutto series: future dialogues August 2024 interview petrit halilaj | the roofgarden commission, abetare dr. lakra: tupi or not tupi. kurimanzutto mexico city, 2024 LipidMuse by WangShui in Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere, La Biennale di Venezia 2024 Bárb...
Podcast: voices of kurimanzutto Exhibition | oscar murillo: the flooded garden Exhibition | allora & calzadilla: klima Exhibition: stories written — zurich art prize winners 2007-2023 News | petrit halilaj: when the sun goes away we paint the sky News: kurimanzutto in grisebach, switze...
kurimanzutto explores diverse ways to make exhibitions and to exist as a gallery. The exhibition spaces conceive this possibility as a field in which time and space are related progressively, simultaneously, at different speeds, marked by a possible harvest, whenever it may occur.mexico...
Kurimanzutto 是一个画廊.,地址:gob. rafael rebollar 94, col. san miguel chapultepec, méxico d.f., 墨西哥 Mexico City, 11850,ARTLINKART是当代艺术数据库;
Kurimanzutto Gallery / Alberto KalachAlberto KalachArchdaily
主办方 Kurimanzutto (墨西哥 Mexico City) 母展览 巴塞尔艺术博览会2011 分享现场(3)共69,135个展览 时间 类型 地区个展│ 群展│ 国际展│ 博览会│ 拍卖会 '25│ '24│ '23│ '22│ '21│ '20│ '19│ '18│ '17│ 更早 共20,150个博览会 早...
The husband and wife team ofJosé KuriandMónica Manzuttobegan showing art in Kuri's hometown of Mexico City in 1999, foregoing a permanent exhibition space in favor of finding locales woven into the fabric of the city. There first show, “Economía de mercado,” took place in two stal...
KurimanzuttoRanked #3 for art galleries in Mexico City "important Mexican artists"(2 Tips) "current exhibits"(5 Tips) See what your friends are saying about Kurimanzutto. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they’ve recommended.Sign...
title>KURIMANZUTTO. KURIMANZUTTO.KURIMANZUTTO.The article reviews an exhibition of artworks by Jerónimo López, an artist better known as "Dr. Lakra," presented at the Kurimanzutto gallery, Mexico City, Mexico.TaylorJessicaBerlangaEBSCO_AspArtforum International...
2008年,kurimanzutto开放了目前的画廊空间,位于94 Rafael Rebollar Street。画廊现在代理了三十四位国内和国际艺术家,诸如Rirkrit Tivaranija、Damián Ortega、Danh Vo等。尽管kurimanzutto已经有了固定空间,画廊仍在不同的文化空间内举办及支持各种展览。