Osteology of the Kuri Maori: the prehistoric dog of New Zealand. Journal of Archaeological Science, 24(2), 113-26.Clark, G. (1997a). Osteology of the kuri Maori: The prehistoric dog of New Zealand. Journal of Archaeological Science, 24(2), 113-126....
Define kuri. kuri synonyms, kuri pronunciation, kuri translation, English dictionary definition of kuri. n , pl -ris 1. Also called: goorie NZ a mongrel dog 2. slang NZ an unpleasant or unpopular person Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridg
kura kaupapa Maori Kura River kurakkan Kurashiki kurbash kurchatovium kurchee kurchi Kurd kurdaitcha kurdaitcha shoes Kurdish Kurdistan Kurdistan Labor Pary Kurdistan Workers Party Kure kurgan kuri kuri-chiku Kuril Islands Kurile Islands Kurilian ...
In one of the private tours I booked with Karith, after realizing that we would arrive much earlier than the appointed time for the Te Pa Tu evening Maori culture experience, he made a detour and drove through lush farmlands and even stopped bri...
Te Kuri Maori (the Dog of New Zealand). A reply to the Rev. W. ColensoWhite, Taylor
Define Kuriles. Kuriles synonyms, Kuriles pronunciation, Kuriles translation, English dictionary definition of Kuriles. also Ku·rile Islands An island chain of extreme eastern Russia extending about 1,210 km in the Pacific Ocean between Kamchatka and ea