1) Kunlunhe-Yeniugou fault 昆仑河-野牛沟断裂2) East Kunlun Fault 东昆仑断裂 1. The East Kunlun Fault zone in Northern Tibetan Plateau is a typical active fault zone,characterized by sinistral strike-slip faults. 对东昆仑断裂带西大滩段进行了断错地貌填图和古地震探槽揭露,共揭露出6次古地震...
摘要: Zircon U-Pb, apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He ages from the Eastern Kunlun Range.Zircon U-Pb ages confirm two-stage magmatic events.Multi-system thermochronometers reveal multi-stage rapid cooling events.The complex exhumation related to multi-stage tectono-magmatic events....
The Baishahe Formation of the Jinshuikou Group to the South of Xiangride Town,eastern Kunlun Mountains is characterized by quartzo-feldthpathic gneisses,calcareous gneisses + amphibolite and meta-carbonates(marble) from the bottom to the top.Step-wise evaporation Pb-Pb dating of zircon from the ...
Multi-stage tectono-magmatic events of the Eastern Kunlun Range, northern Tibet: insights from U-Pb geochronology and (U-Th)/He thermochronology. Tectonophysics 599, 97-106.Dai, J.G., Wang, C.S., Hourigan, J., and Santosh, M., 2013. Multi-stage tectono-magmatic events of the ...
介绍: 昆仑神宫 又名: 鬼吹灯之昆仑神宫 是企鹅影业出品的冒险题材网络剧,由费振翔执导,潘粤明 / 张雨绮 / 姜超等人主演的,预计于2022年上映,该电视剧改编自天下霸唱小说《鬼吹灯之昆仑神宫》 。主要围绕着《格萨尔王》中传说的魔国冰川水晶尸展开。香港古董商明叔为了寻找《格萨尔王》中传说的魔国冰川水晶尸,便雇请...
after visiting friends to Kunlun Mountains, where the king, the king granted the Siegfried after a sin bin Laden, Siegfried after Chang'e I can't bear leaving it to individuals into sin sin bin Laden handed over to the Chang'e I keep all of this, but the tents, saw, and he wanted ...
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aJust then an old doctor came up ."Oh ,we shall certainly obey your order ," he said ,"but it takes time .We have to dig for something to make medicine from the Kunlun mountains when the snow melts for the second time. 一位老医生然后过来。“Oh,我们一定将服从您的命令”,他说, “...
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