Kasma's Southern Style Spicy Tamarind Prawns with Crisped Shallots and Garlic This tasty recipe from cooking instructor Kasma Loha-unchit uses tamarind and spicy chilis to bring the flavor of the shrimp to life in a distinctly southern Thai way. Tamarind is the key ingredient in this dish and...
Such a moving post and such a sweet recipe indeed. 0 Reply Cass @ 揾到食 October 20, 2012 5:20 am Ann,看了你的相片,我的口水,一直想流出来(幸亏是在家里,哈哈)。我有试过他们的香料,真的蛮好吃的。改天我也试试看他们的宫保鸡丁 :) 0 Reply Ann@Anncoo Journal Reply to Cass @ 揾到食...
Chilli Oil Recipe: Put 3 TBsp of oil in a pan over medium low heat. Add 3 tsp of chilli flakes to the oil. Lower the heat and let it bubble for 1-2 mins. Turn off the heat and pour the oil through a strainer. Be careful not to burn the chilli flakes. You can also use chill...