Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁) in Chinese is a stir-fried dish with chicken cubes, dried chili pepper, and crispy peanuts. The tender taste of the chicken matches great with the crispy peanuts with a combined sweet, sour, and spicy taste. This dish is a popular Sichuan food and has become...
活在澳洲 游客应该尝..Kungpao chicken(宫保鸡丁)宫保鸡丁是国际上最著名的中国菜之一,由鸡丁与葱、姜、花椒、辣椒和油炸花生一起翻炒而成。关于这道菜的起源有不同的说法,但许多人认为这道菜的灵感来自19世纪前四川
Give the sauce a good stir then pour into the wok. Stir to evenly coat the chicken. Turn off the heat as soon as the sauce thickens. Stir in the toasted peanuts. Dish out then serve immediately with plain rice.
宫保鸡丁(Kung Pao Chicken)由鸡丁、花生和红辣椒做成,是著名的传统川菜。这道菜以晚清时期的官员丁宝桢的名字命名。据说,丁宝桢很喜欢吃,尤其是 “爆炒鸡丁”。丁宝桢在四川做巡抚(governor)时,他常常以爆炒鸡丁宴请宾客。为了迎合四川宾客的口味,丁宝桢改良了他最爱的“爆炒鸡丁”,加入了红辣椒。结果, 辣的...
“Kung Pao Chicken”中的“Kung Pao”是“宫保”的音译,而“Chicken”则直接指出了这道菜的主要食材——鸡肉。“宫保”一词源于清朝时期的一种官职名称,而“鸡丁”则指的是切成丁状的鸡肉。这道菜因其独特的口感和风味,逐渐在国内外广受欢迎,成为中式菜肴中的佼佼者。 二、食材构成...
今天要给大家分享的这道四川十大名菜排名第四名是一道已经走出国门,面向全世界的名菜—Kung Pao Chicken。这道菜的外文名字也显示了我们的国际友人对这道菜的喜爱。好了,相信大家已经知道了,这道菜就是川味名菜,宫保鸡丁! Kung Pao Chicken的起源: 说起宫保鸡丁的起源就不能不提到一个人,那就是清朝时期的山东...
kung pao chicken的翻译为“宫保鸡丁”。 “kung pao chicken”是中文菜肴名“宫保鸡丁”的英文翻译。这道菜是中国传统名菜之一,以其独特的口味和制作工艺而广受欢迎。下面将详细解释这个翻译: 一、翻译的准确性 “kung pao chicken”直接对应了中文的“宫保鸡丁”,在翻译上...
Kung Pao Chicken 2. Kung Pao Chicken Kung Pao Chicken(宫保鸡丁), definitely one of the top 10 Chinese dishes, is a popular dish not only among Chinese people. Its special flavor of sweet and sour with a little bit spicy is also well-liked abroad and this course even becomes the byword...
In standard Mandarin, Kung Pao chicken is gongbaojiding. Today, gongbaojiding is available in every Chinese restaurant, big or small. But on the menu of some restaurants, the dish is written as Kung Pao chicken. 宫爆鸡丁原来是不叫宫爆鸡丁的,应该是宫保...
川菜 1 – 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken(中餐篇 1)这是最有名的中餐之一,在海外很受欢迎。One of the most famous Chinese dishes, it is very popular outside China. 它是由鸡丁,大葱段,花生炒的 Consisting of cubes of chicken, chunks of scallions, peanuts, 以干辣椒,川花椒,和美味的酱汁来调味...