Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁) in Chinese is a stir-fried dish with chicken cubes, dried chili pepper, and crispy peanuts. The tender taste of the chicken matches great with the crispy peanuts with a combined sweet, sour, and spicy taste. This dish is a popular Sichuan food and has become...
官定了!如果饥肠辘辘的外国老饕们渴望享用一道鸡丁和辣椒、花生一块热炒的大杂烩,他就大叫“kung pao chicken”,而且很有可能地地道道地吃到这道菜。 As it readies for an influx of visitors for the August Games, the Chinese capital has offered restaurants an official English translation of local ...
Give the sauce a good stir then pour into the wok. Stir to evenly coat the chicken. Turn off the heat as soon as the sauce thickens. Stir in the toasted peanuts. Dish out then serve immediately with plain rice.
Kung Pao chicken, also transcribed as Gong Bao chicken is a spicy stir-fry dish made with chicken, peanuts, vegetables, and chili peppers. The classic dish in Szechuan cuisine originated in the Sichuan Province of central-western China and includes Sichuan peppercorns. 宫保鸡丁,常讹为宫爆鸡丁,...
“宫保鸡丁”的英文名“Kung Pao Chicken”属于音译与意译结合的产物。“宫保”指丁宝桢的荣誉官衔“太子少保”(清代称“宫保”),后人为纪念他而将这道菜冠以其官衔。在英语中,除最常见的“Kung Pao Chicken”外,也有保留拼音直译的“Gong Bao Ji Ding”或描述性译法如“Diced Chick...
“kung pao chicken”的标准中文翻译是“宫保鸡丁”,这是一道源自中国四川的传统名菜,以鸡肉、花生、干辣椒和花椒为主要食材,具有麻辣鲜香的独特风味。以下从翻译背景、文化内涵及语言差异三个方面展开说明。 翻译背景与语言特点 “宫保鸡丁”的英文名称“kung pao chicken”属于...
Kung Pao Chicken is a traditional Chinese dish and famous for its richness and variety and regarded as the most popular Chinese dish internationally by many. You can find it in almost any Chinese restaurant overseas. Its (popular) has made it a name card for Chinese cuisine. (it) flavour...
活在澳洲 游客应该尝..Kungpao chicken(宫保鸡丁)宫保鸡丁是国际上最著名的中国菜之一,由鸡丁与葱、姜、花椒、辣椒和油炸花生一起翻炒而成。关于这道菜的起源有不同的说法,但许多人认为这道菜的灵感来自19世纪前四川
活在澳洲 游客应该尝..Kungpao chicken(宫保鸡丁)宫保鸡丁是国际上最著名的中国菜之一,由鸡丁与葱、姜、花椒、辣椒和油炸花生一起翻炒而成。关于这道菜的起源有不同的说法,但许多人认为这道菜的灵感来自19世纪前四川
Kung Pao Chicken is a traditional Chinese dish and famous for its richness and variety and regarded by many as the most popular Chinese dish internationally. You can find it in almost any Chinese restaurant overseas. Its1 (popular) has made it a name card for Chinese cuisine(菜肴). 2 (It...