Between the 17th and 19th centuries, many Wu-Shu Kung-Fu practitioners continued to venture out to Okinawa and the other Ryu Kyu islands. Also, many Okinawans traveled throughout China to learn more about Chinese martial arts. As we have seen, Kung Hsiang Ch'uan's visit to Okinawa in the...
威妥玛式拼音法(Wade-Giles romanization)又称威妥玛-翟理思式拼音,简称威氏拼音法。它是1867年开始的,由英国人威妥玛(Thomas Francis Wade,1818年—1895年,今天的习惯应该翻译成托玛斯·韦德)等人合编的注音规则,叫“威氏拼音”。威妥玛曾于1871年任英国驻华公使,1883年回国。1888年起在剑桥大学任教授,讲授汉...