Shifu refused to let him go, insisting that Oogway's advice must be followed, but Po had lost all confidence and the red panda was at a complete loss for a solution. After witnessing this argument on the roof of the Palace, Tigress led the Furious Five in an attempt to stop Tai Lung...
Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness9 characters assigned Po CV: Tatsuya Yamaguchi Mantis CV: Takuya Kirimoto Tigress CV: Saeko Zougou Shifu CV: Takeshi Sasano Viper CV: Megumi Crane CV: Mitsuaki Madono Mr. Ping CV: Naoki Tatsuta Monkey ...
—Tigress, Kung Fu Panda 2 Master Tigress is one of the main supporting characters of of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. She is a member of the Furious Five as well as one of Master Shifu's students at the Jade Palace. She is a master of the Tiger Style of kung fu. ...
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3. Kung Fu Panda, Jacques Derrida, and a New Secrecy In the film Kung Fu Panda (Osborne and Stevenson 2008), our hero Po is transformed by two successive realizations stemming from the discovery that The Dragon Scroll Master Shifu has given him does not contain the secrets of unlimited Kung...