Written here is the full transcript of DreamWorks Animation's full-length feature film and sequel, Kung Fu Panda 2. Character dialogue lines were originally written by the film's writers: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, and Charlie Kaufman. Descriptions sh
Written here is the full transcript of DreamWorks Animation's full-length feature film and sequel, Kung Fu Panda 2. Character dialogue lines were originally written by the film's writers: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, and Charlie Kaufman. Descriptions sh
Kung Fu Panda 2但是他所做的只会让天命封定 But what he did next only sealed it. 他被永远地驱逐出了宫门城 He was banished from the city forever. 让整个中国弓身于他脚下 and all ofChinawould bow at his feet. 摧残意志的 ,mind-destroying 控制那股自然之气 harness the flow of the ...
Master Shifu, voiced by Dustin Hoffman, is an integral character within the "Kung Fu Panda" franchise, providing wisdom and guiding the next generation of great warriors within the Furious Five, as well as Po (Jack Black). Amid all the tough love and jokes, there's one nagging question th...
- A panda? -沈王爷 有一只熊猫 -熊猫? A kung fu warrior. It fought like a demon! 他是一个功夫高手 张牙舞爪像恶魔 Big and furry. 大只毛又多 Soft and squishy. Kind of plush and cuddly. 柔棉棉好好摸 肥都都的好可爱 There are no more pandas. 这世上熊猫已经绝种了 Even with his ...
No! He's got a way more. My wings! - Help, Po! - Coming! Watch out! Po! - Help me up! - No. Get him down. Use the ropes. Run, run. Little panda! Help, come on! We need you to focus. I've got it, I've got it! Bring 'em down! - We trapped! - This way. Good...
You, Po. My little panda. And from that moment on, both my soup and my life have been that much sweeter. That's all, Po. That's the end of the story. Look at me! No, don't look at me! That's it? That can't be it!
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Kung Fu Panda 2宫门城由大师议事会管理gongmenisunderthestewardshipofthemasterscouncil是你的告别礼它会令你粉身碎骨itsyourpartinggiftinthatitwillpartyou 但是他所做的只会让天命封定 But what he did next only sealed it. 他被永远地驱逐出了宫门城 He was banished from the city forever. 让整个中国...