Of the 143946 characters on Anime Characters Database, 17 are from the franchise Kung Fu Panda (Series).
Kung Fu Panda (Series) TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Section 0 Section 0 Po Protagonist Zhen Protagonist Kai Antagonist Lord Shen Antagonist Tai Lung Antagonist The Chameleon Antagonist Crane Main Character Mantis Main Character Shifu Main Character Tigress Main Character Viper Main Character ...
List of Kung Fu Panda charactersKung Fu Panda Holiday
The concept of a "kung fu panda" has actually been around since at least 1993;[4] however, work on the film did not begin until 2004. The idea for the film was conceived by Michael Lachance, a DreamWorks Animation executive. The film was originally intended to be a parody, but co-...
Written here is the full transcript of DreamWorks Animation's full-length feature film Kung Fu Panda. Character dialogue lines were originally written by the film's writers, Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. Descriptions shown between italicized brackets
Kung fu Panda: The Dragon Knight Ending Kung fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny Ending 32 Votes in Poll Tai LungTigressPoShenKaiFurious FiveShifuKung Fu Panda 4The ChameleonZhen Firecat19·7/16/2024in Fanon [Fanon] My headcanons about the characters' religions ...
The Kung Fu Panda Wiki is an online database and community about the popular DreamWorks Animation franchise. Films, characters, locations and more.
Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll(2016) Showing all 10 items Jump to: Photos(1) Quotes(9) Photos Quotes Boar:What are you doing? You are nothing! I just defeated Shifu! Young Tigress:No. I'm not Shifu. [growls] Young Tigress:I am Tigress. ...
Kung Fu Pandais a perfect example of a movie that’s both entertaining and inspiring. DreamWorks Animation brings us unforgettable characters with lessons we can all relate to. Po, the lovable and clumsy panda, teaches us the importance of believing in ourselves, even when things feel impossible...
Kung Fu Panda 3: Regia di Alessandro Carloni, Jennifer Yuh Nelson. Con Jack Black, Bryan Cranston, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie. Continuando le sue "leggendarie avventure di meraviglia", Po deve affrontare due minacce estremamente epiche ma diverse: un