Shifu in Kung Fu Panda 2 Since Shifu's final confrontation with Tai Lung, he has shown to have become emotionally healthier, as indicated by his straightened posture and his more calm attitude after years of bitterly hunching over when on his feet....
Kung Fu Panda Secrets of the Masters - Full Oogway in Secrets of the Masters View more... Quotes “ One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. —Oogway, Kung Fu Panda “ There are no accidents. —Oogway to Shifu, Kung Fu Panda “ Ah, yes. But no matter...
In the first place, the KFP4 movie is the worst movie with the lowest rating in the Kung Fu Panda movie series, and from what I found out through spoilers, it is also the worst movie for me. That's why I never watch that movie, so I don't know much about the characters, story...
In Kung Fu Panda 2After Po's success and fame as the Dragon Warrior, Mr. Ping continued to work at the noodle shop. But being proud of his son, he made a few changes to his business, marketing on Po's success by renaming the shop and creating a theme related to the Dragon Warrior...