Find where to watch Kung Fu Panda 4 on the official movie site. Available now on digital, 4K UHD, Blu-ray & DVD.
又名:功夫熊猫4 表演者:汉斯·季默 Hans Zimmer/Steve Mazzaro 流派:原声 专辑类型:专辑 介质:数字(Digital) 发行时间:2024-03-08 出版者:Back Lot Music 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 简介· ··· music...
Kung Fu Panda 4: Regia di Mike Mitchell, Stephanie Stine. Con Jack Black, Awkwafina, Viola Davis, Dustin Hoffman. Segui Po nelle sue avventure con gli occhi spalancati nell'antica Cina, il cui amore per il Kung Fu è pari solo a un appetito insaziabile.
Kung Fu Panda 4: Dirigido por Mike Mitchell, Stephanie Stine. Con Jack Black, Awkwafina, Viola Davis, Dustin Hoffman. Sigue a Po en sus aventuras por la antigua China, donde su amor por el kung fu sólo es comparable a su insaciable apetito.
Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five《功夫熊猫之盖世五侠的秘密(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《功夫熊猫4 Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024).》英中字幕 热度: 功夫熊猫2(Kung_Fu_Panda_2)2011_中英对照_台词本_纯英文 热度: 相关推荐 That'sright.ItisI,TaiLung.-Itcan'tbe. 没想到我大龙...
Kung Fu Panda 4 Directors(导演):Mike Mitchell Stephanie Stine Release(发布) date: March 8,2024 Brief introduction(简介):After Po the panda becomes the leader(领袖) of the Valley of Peace, he needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior. But a bad guy named Chameleon shows up....
Kung Fu Panda 4 is the latest movie in the popular and surprisingly thoughtful animated film franchise. Jack Black returns to voice Po, a gigantic, adorable panda who becomes the highly unlikely Dragon Warrior. He embarks on a quest alongside a devious fox, played by Awkwafina, to face a ...
The Kung Fu Panda Wiki is an online database and community about the popular DreamWorks Animation franchise. Films, characters, locations and more.
Kung Fu Panda 4 Producers(制片人):Mike Mitchell and Stephen Stone Release(发布) date: March 8, 2024 Brief introduction(简介):After Po the panda becomes the leader(领袖) of the Valley of Peace, he needs to find and return a new Dragon World. Doranenon: Nobita's Earth Symphony Release da...
Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024) 功夫熊猫4 - PG - 1h 34m After Po is tapped to become the Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace, he needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior, while a wicked sorceress p...