Of the 143839 characters on Anime Characters Database, 14 are from the animated movie Kung Fu Panda 3.
Written here is the full transcript of DreamWorks Animation and Oriental DreamWorks' full-length feature film Kung Fu Panda 3. Character dialogue lines were originally written by the film's writers, Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. Descriptions shown bet
Kai Antagonist Tai Lung Antagonist Crane Main Character Mantis Main Character Shifu Main Character Tigress Main Character Viper Main Character Li Shan Supporting Mr. Ping Supporting Lei Lei Unsorted Monkey Unsorted Oogway Unsorted Po's Mother
Kung Fu Panda 3(A)Release date(发行日期):January 29,2016The dragon warrior(战士) is back! He will continue his wildadventures(冒险) in Kung Fu Panda 3. This time, he is bringingsome new friends.Po's long lost father finally returns and they are together onceagain. They travel to the ...
Kung Fu Panda[A mysterious warrior, with his identity hidden beneath a flowing robe and wide-brimmed hat, treks with his staff across a bridge above a huge lake.] NARRATOR (PO) [In voiceover] Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. He ...
Cuddly Kung Fu master Po the Panda returns to the big screen for a fourth instalment of the animated action comedy franchise, eight years after Kung Fu Panda 3. Unfortunately, it’s fair to say that the law of diminishing returns has very much kicked in, because while the film is ...
Po's mother >> more... Villains Tai Lung Lord Shen Wolf Boss General Kai The Chameleon Veruca Dumont Klaus Dumont Jindiao Fenghuang >> more... Groups Den of Thieves Panda villagers Ancient pandas Jombies Kung Fu Council Shen's army Four Constellations Wu Sisters...
In Kung Fu Panda HolidayTigress and the other Five After defeating several boar bandits, Tigress and the other Five were shocked to find out that Po was going to be hosting the Winter Feast dinner at the Jade Palace. Tigress offered her and the rest of the Five's assistance to Po in ...
In Kung Fu Panda, a comedy film about Chinese kung fu, Po was born(出生) in a farming village. One day when he was a 2 ,some bad people came and killed 3 mother. Po was in a basket when Mr. Ping 4 him. Mr. Ping is a goose(鹅). He took Po home. He loves Po and 5 ...
• Po's mother (biological; deceased) • Mr. Ping's father (adoptive grandfather) • Mr. Ping's grandfather (adoptive great-grandfather) • Yang (adopted uncle)[8] • Dim and Sum (cousins) Combat style Improvised style of kung fu; Panda Style Abilities The Wuxi Finger Hold (by...