Kung Fu Panda 314 characters assigned Kung Fu Panda 414 characters assigned Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness9 characters assigned Po CV: Tatsuya Yamaguchi Tai Lung CV: Akira Nakao Crane CV: Mitsuaki Madono Mantis CV: Takuya Kirimoto
“There is always something more to learn. Even for a master.” “If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be more than you are now.” The Conclusion Let’s jump into 10 unforgettable Kung Fu Panda quotes “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… ...
the Kung Fu Sparkla is free. The Yami no Kung Fu Master then gets up and battles both martial artists, but the two perform flying kicks at the same time and destroy the foe. Both martial artists then escape, and the Kung Fu Sparkla is later found on the fourth floor of the Sparkle...
Quotes MENU Kung Fu Panda (Series) Edit Series Kanfu Panda カンフー・パンダ カンフー・パンダ Franchise Compare Anime Mobile Series Try a Series Quiz if you liked this, you might also like ... View franchise Additional Images Series...
Favorite Quotes “I preferBruce Lee.”– Toshiro(when the villains describe him as Jackie Chan.) “I do have battlefield experience, actually. Film sets are a war zone.”– Toshiro(in an interview.) “In normal acting, there’s an element of realism, right? But when it comes to action...
David Carradine, the well seasoned actor, gives us a monastic Shao Lin outcast in search of refuge and family. The best performances come from all, but I found myself liking Master Po the best, played by the late great Keye Luke. Nitpicking; I would've shot it somewhat differently, and...
He was a Kung Fu Master who had studied for awhile at the Shaolin Temple. His descriptions and illustrations of the Luohan Gong then practiced at the Shaolin Temple were influential in the Shaolin Kung Fu community. I have noted elsewhere the similarity of the Eight Section Brocade Qigong to...
Kung Fu Panda (Series) | Expand List Share ▼ View all characters Series ID 110587 Media Type Animated TV Series Title Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness English Title Aliases KFP, Kung Fu Panda: The Series Romaji Title Kanfu Panda za Shirizu Furigana Title カンフー・パンダ ザ...
Random Anime Kung Fu Panda (Series)|Expand List Share ▼ View all characters Series ID110586 Media TypeAnimated Movie TitleKung Fu Panda 4 English Title AliasesKFP4 Romaji TitleKanfu Panda Fo Furigana Titleカンフー・パンダ フォー Japanese Titleカンフー・パンダ4 ...
Random Anime Kung Fu Panda (Series)|Expand List Share ▼ View all characters Series ID110585 Media TypeAnimated Movie TitleKung Fu Panda 3 English Title AliasesKFP3 Romaji TitleKanfu Panda Suri Furigana Titleカンフー・パンダ スリー