Of the 143994 characters on Anime Characters Database, 10 are from the animated movie Kung Fu Panda.
UR level of voice acting talent! Voice actors suck as Guan lin,Tang Xiaoxi,Qiao shiyu and much more lend their beautiful voice, to《Kungfu girls》,bringing you fun vibrant lighthearted and compelling Kungfu anime experience! 《Travel the Kungfu world,with your favorite Kungfu girl》 ...
Style: feel good, entertaining, 3d animation, light, anime ... Audience: kids, family friendly, date night, toddlers Plot: dragon, female warrior, female protagonist, tough girl, travel, kung fu, disney princess, imaginary kingdom, imaginary, magical creature, magic, warrior ... Time: ...
Identify and discover animated characters through our visual search; mini-games, quotes, cosplay and more! Claim an anime girl as your waifu.
I love anime, jpop/jrock and japanese cuisines. My favs are L~arc en Ciel, T.M. Revolution, Siam Shade, Utada Hikaru, Ayumi Hamasaki, Do as Infinity, High and Mighty Color, Shimokawa Mikuni and Rei Fu. I'm also currently playing Tales of Eternia Online-Japan. ...
• Léonard M'intéressant depuis quelques décennies à la Chine, (je me suis déja rendu trois fois,le dernier voyage en février dernier pour le nouvel an chinois à Pingyao )je trouve CCTV-Français très compétent dans sa faÇon de faire mieux connaitre la Chine aux franÇais. Merc...
kungfusmurf Look here white girl, thanks for coming on such late notice. Help a brother out will yeah? Bring back RAW please. I'll listen to the rap, anime & mix tape you have for your boy friend on stream. Then hear Blitz Chump talk every time something happens on screen just to...
Finally Your Distress Is Over, Sign Up Here Today And Register For Your Phenomenal Kung Fu Classes, Right Here In Haringey..!!! You will also Received Two Remarkable Self Defense Videos as a special Gift On Us and Our One TimeBigSpecial Discount offerOn yourJoining Fee!And of course You...
Japanese anime master Hayao Miyazaki is revered in China as much as he is anywhere. The 83-year-old filmmaker’s Oscar-winning swan song The Boy and the Heron opened last Wednesday in China to take advantage of the country’s Qingming public holiday and by Sunday it had earned $73 million...
Looking to check out the rockin' music of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION? From Naruto to ERASED, the band has a number of anime hits. Read on to find out more!