藏紅花 Kumkumadi 精油手工芳療皂 (沐浴+潔面兩用)Kumkumadi Oil with Saffron Handcrafted Luxury Herbal Soap(Body Wash & Face Wash) Osia Osia 手工芳療皂以傳統醫學阿育吠陀製法,採用 100% 純天然材料,包括冷壓初榨椰子油、 頂級草本精油、花卉精華和蒸餾水等
Yes – such a product does in fact exist, and it is called kumkumadi tailam. It’s an Ayurvedic oil used for face massage. It helps improve skin texture, complexion and also relieves skin problems such as acne, scars etc. Kumkuma means saffron, which is the main ingredient of this medi...