Advanced Armor Sphere 22% Golden Chunk 16% Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget 11% Master Rank Capture Kulve Taroth Monster Bone L 100% Break Kulve Taroth's giant horns Kulve Taroth Golden Spiralhorn+ 97% Golden Dragonsphire 3% Break Kulve Taroth's tail Kulve Taroth Golden Tailshell+ 97% Golden ...
and the hunting reward will be decided based on the player’s Reward Level after the horns are destroyed. You can obtain high-class materials and the Bushi Tickets, from which you can get the Akatsuki no Bushi Set, the new Layered Armor Set. It is also possible ...
Kulve α+ Layered Legs 0 ~ 0 Total0 ~ 0 Kulve Taroth α+ skills Kulve Taroth α+ materials Golden Dragonsphirex5 Elder Spiritvein Bonex25 Great Spiritvein Gemx5 Research Commission Ticket+x10 translateLanguage 简体中文 繁體中文 日本語
A guide on Kulve Taroth in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, including an overview, monster stats, materials, and strategy on how to defeat it.
Kulve αLayered Legs 0 ~ 0 Total0 ~ 0 Kulve α skills Kulve α materials Kulve Taroth Emperor Nuggetx25 Woodland Greatbonex10 Elder Dragonvein Bonex15 Research Commission Ticket+x5 translateLanguage 简体中文 繁體中文 日本語 한국어