Kulu-Ya-Ku Hide 28% Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak 21% Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume 15% Dropped Material Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale 50% Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume 28% Wyvern Tear 22% Bandit Mantle Chipped Scale 70% Large Scale 30% Plunderblade Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale 43% Kulu-Ya-Ku Hide 35% Kulu-Ya-Ku Plume 22% Items Gathered...
Kulu-Ya-Ku material. Mostly obtained as a reward. Broadly used for many purposes. Rarity 4 Rarity x99 Max 290z Buy Where to find Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale Low RankKulu-Ya-KuMonster tracksx1100% Low RankKulu-Ya-KuDropped Materialx150% Low RankKulu-Ya-KuItems Gathered by Palicoesx150% ...
Les accessoires sont des objets spéciaux que vous pouvez attacher à vos armes. Impressionnez vos amis en personnalisant votre arme favorite avec cet adorable accessoire en forme de Kulu-Ya-Ku ! Les accessoires sont utilisés à des fins esthétiques uniquement et ne changent pas les caractér...
Kulu-Ya-Ku is a large Monster that you can slay or capture in Monster Hunter World. Characteristics:An odd bird wyvern that has developed limbs capable of carrying weapons. It’s been spotted stealing eggs from nests found in the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste. Useful Information:Kulu-Ya...
播放视频 http://t.cn/A6InjHQK 51次视频播放 手机看 弹幕 登录后可发送弹幕0/30 发送 稍后观看 正序 已经到底了~ Kulu-Ya-Ku的微博视频 51次观看 · 7月前 转发 评论 赞 稍后看 Kulu-Ya-Ku 47粉丝 关注 给老帅哥当助手 http://t.cn/RxDz82m 0条评论 同时转发评论 快来发表你的评...
The monster Kulu-Ya-Ku is a large monster in Monster Hunter Rise. This page will cover its weaknesses, tips to beat it, item drops, armor, and more. See the
KAUFEN € 2,99 EDITION AUSWÄHLEN MHW:I-Monstermodell – Kulu-Ya-Ku ●●● PEGI 16 Gewalt In-Game-Einkäufe Für diesen Inhalt ist ein Spiel erforderlich (separat erhältlich). DETAILS ÜBERPRÜFUNGEN MEHR Beschreibung Mit diesem Monstermodell kannst du deinen Raum dekorieren! Gestalte ...
https://youtu.be/GOQJ2eo5TqQ相关游戏: 怪物猎人简介补充: [1080p60fps]Arekkz Gaming-骚鸟头与大金事件任务|Kulu-Ya-Ku Helmet & Gold Crown Event Quest, 视频播放量 302、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 0、转发人数 3, 视频作者 风来の克罗喵姆, 作者简介
Kulu-Ya-Ku is one of the first large monsters that will be introduced to you in Monster Hunter Rise. They are annoying to deal with and they are also smaller than your usual monsters. Even though they are one of the easier monsters, they still drop valuable items and materials that are...
Beschrijving Pendants zijn speciale voorwerpen die je aan je wapens kunt bevestigen. Versier je favoriete wapen en maak je vrienden jaloers met deze pendant die doet denken aan Kulu-Ya-Ku's schattige verbaasde gezicht! Pendants zijn louter visueel en hebben geen invloed op je statistieken...