The aim of the article is to find out whether there is a relationship between some features of organizational culture and the level of project management maturity. Preliminary literatures studies enabled the author to gather evidence demonstrating i.a. relationship between organizational culture and proj...
Kultura organizacyjna w szkołach różnych krajóworganizational cultureeducational managementeducationThe paper contains the analysis of organizational culture of schools and educational institutions. It is based on research carried out during the Erasmus Intensive Programme that took place in Murcia (...
KULTURA ORGANIZACYJNA — PERSPEKTYWA SUKCESU W ZARZDZANIU PROJEKTAMI INFORMATYCZNYMIdoi:10.33141/po.2023.03.30CORPORATE cultureINFORMATION & communication technologiesBUDGETPROJECT managementSUCCESSEffective and efficient project management is becoming a critical factor in building the value of...
Kultura organizacyjna a dojrzałość projektowa organizacjiThe aim of the article is to find out whether there is a relationship between some features of organizational culture and the level of project management maturity. Preliminary literatures studies enabled the author to gather evidence ...
Primarily, the conclusions drawn from the analysis of the literature and research make it possible to indicate that the organizational culture of the clan and adhocracy (from the Cameron and Quinn model) are the most favorable with respect to the well--being of employees. Furtherm...
Organizational culture – The Dead-End of Organization Theory (Kultura Organizacyjna – lepa Uliczka Teorii Organizacji)organizational cultureritualcritical mangement studiesanthropologyThe article discusses the need for rethinking the usefulness of organizational culture concept in the organization studies field...
Kultura organizacyjna jako czynnik warunkujący wyróżniki zarządzania europejskiegoIn the presented article an attempt has been made to define the relations occurring between the organization culture and managing the European company. The author treated culture as: – an independent variable –...
The values that make it possible to draw such a conclusion are revealed in the analysis of reports of the surveyed groups of enterprises. In reports of cooperatives, the values represented by cooperative members are prevailing, while the reports of commercial enterprises were dominated by values ...
Jończyk J., Kultura organizacyjna a innowacyjność w szpitalu publicznym, [w:] M. Lyszczak, M. Wę- grzyn, D. Wasilewski (red.), Kształtowanie wartości ZOZ nowym wyzwaniem menedżerow, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu nr 226, Wydawnictwo ...
Kultura organizacyjna w szkołach różnych krajówThe article presents the challenges faced by school principals as a result of the processes specific to the modern world, analyzed in the literature. In this context, the most problematic issues in the daily work of school principals in ...