elimandin, taşandin, terbiye是“kultivieren"到 庫爾德語 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Wir wollten ein Stück Gehirnmasse aus dem nichtsprachlichen Bereich entnehmen und dann die Zellen genau so kultivieren, wie es Jean-François tat und sie anschließend farblich markieren, um sie im Gehirn ...
The latter is closed at both ends by a porous membrane with pore diameters which pass all nutrients and products of embolism but retain the cells.doi:EP0391936 B1Horst Prof. Dr.-Ing. ChmielEP
Verfahren zum Kultivieren von Trypanosomen German Patent DE1467916 Kind Code: A1 Inventors: G KLJUEVA NINA V KRZHEVOVA RITA V FRADKINA RIVA N SUKHAREVA NATALIA SOLOMONOVICH ZILBERBLAT GEORG MOISEEVICH PARIZH BORIS Application Number: DE1467916A...
The latter is closed at both ends by a porous membrane with pore diameters which pass all nutrients and products of embolism but retain the cells.Horst Prof Dr Ing Chmiel
Anordnung zum kultivieren von bodenflächendoi:EP0203105 B1An arrangement for the cultivation of grounds, particularly for the turfing of grounds, comprises a mixture of seeds, particularly grass seeds and dry soil, surrounded by permeable and putrescible bands (1, 2). In order to implant ...
Die arachne -Artengruppe der Gattung Polyrhachis (Formicidae, Formicinae): Webeameisen, die Homopteren auf Bambus kultivierenThe biology of two species of Polyrhachis which together form the arachne species-group is described. Both Polyrhachis arachne Emery 1896 and Polyrhachis hodgsoni Forel...
multi-function machine to zwischenkultivieren for tree or strauchpflanzungen or wine or fruit orchardsThe invention concerns a multipurpose machine for close-row production of tree or shrub plantations, such as vineyards or orchards comprising a working head (1) including a rotor (7) powered ...
The latter has at least one (three) stirring disc, attached at an oblique angle to the vertical drive shaft.KEARNS MICHAEL JOHN DRCOMER MICHAEL JAMES DR
VERFAHREN ZUM KULTIVIEREN VON MIKROORGANISMEN UNTER REDUZIERENDEN BEDINGUNGEN MITTELS EINER GASSTRMUNGThe present invention relates to a method of culturing microorganisms which makes it possible to reduce the oxidation-reduction potential of the culture medium, characterized in that the said culture is...
The latter is permeable for the nutrients and for the waste products of the cells but not for the higher molecular components of the culture medium.Michael J KearnsMichael J ComerUlrich SteegmansHerbert Jungfer