3.OEM Cross Reference 4.FilterAnatomy 5.Our Services Service provide: OEM ODM & OBM service; Coralfly packaging or according to customer's need packaging Quality Guarantee: If there have any quality problems with CORALFLY products, we are willing to be r...
2.OEM Cross Reference 3. Filter Anatomy 4.Our Services Service provide: OEM ODM & OBM service; Coralfly packaging oraccording to customer's need packaging Quality Guarantee: If there have any quality proble...
•Besuretostoptheenginebeforechangingtheoilfilters. 1.Removetheoilfiltercartridgebyusingafilterwrench. 2.Applyaslightcoatofoilontothecartridgegasket. 3.Toinstallthenewcartridge,screwitinbyhand.Overtightening maycausedeformationofrubbergasket. 4.Afterthenewcartridgehasbeenreplaced,thetransmissionfluid levelwill...