Kublai Khan- Mongolian emperor of China and grandson of Genghis Khan who completed his grandfather's conquest of China; he establish the Yuan dynasty and built a great capital on the site of modern Beijing where he received Marco Polo (1216-1294) ...
Kublai Khan Synonyms for Kublai Khan nounMongolian emperor of China and grandson of Genghis Khan who completed his grandfather's conquest of China Synonyms Kubla Khan Kublai Kaan Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Kublai Khan Caterpillar Sphinx Moth Caterpillar Yes, I’m quite taken with the Kublai Khan of NetFlix’s Marco Polo. When I saw this gigantic caterpillar on my favorite tomato plant, which had developed a lot of leafless, fruitless stems, I thought, “Kublai Khan.” I’ve never seen the...