Bug description The KubeKey installer is stuck at "Please wait for the installation to complete" for over 30 minutes even though all pods are running Output of kubectl get pods --all-namespaces: NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE k...
看到这个,表示Kubernetes集群已经部署完成了,这里在部署KubeSphere,需要等待一会,时间会稍微有点久 Please wait for the installation to complete: >>---> 1. 看到这个,表示KubeSphere以及部署完成了 访问: 用户名:admin 密码:P@88w0rd 第一次登录,会提示修改密码 ### ### Welcome t...
17:43:53 CST Pipeline[CreateClusterPipeline] execute successfully Installation is complete. Please check the result using the command: kubectl logs -n kubesphere-system $(kubectl get pod -n kubesphere-system -l 'app in (ks-install, ks-installer)' -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') ...
看到这个,表示Kubernetes集群已经部署完成了,这里在部署KubeSphere,需要等待一会,时间会稍微有点久 Please wait for the installation to complete: >>---> 看到这个,表示KubeSphere以及部署完成了 访问: 用户名:admin 密码:P@88w0rd 第一次登录,会提示修改密码 ### Welcome to KubeSphere...
@TOC 问题背景 在搭建k8s集群的时候踩了好多坑,真的蓝瘦,大多原因都是各种不兼容导致的,比如 Please wait for the installation to complete: >>—> 03:26:40 UTC failed: [master] error: Pipeline[CreateClusterPipeline] execute failed: Module[CheckResultModule] exec failed: ...
大概,在Please wait for the installation to complete这一步又耽误一些时间(时间可长可短),然后安装成功了,日志如下图,需要注意的是:这块日志里有我们要的信息:就是在welcome to kubesphere下面有三行信息: Console: Account: admin Password: P@88w0rd 这些就是我们登陆kubesphere要的...
# 安装失败,最后报错 Please wait for the installation to complete: >>---> 13:08:38 CST skipped: [ks-master-3] 13:08:38 CST skipped: [ks-master-2] 13:08:38 CST failed: [ks-master-1] error: Pipeline[CreateClusterPipeline] execute failed: Module[CheckResultModule] exec failed: failed...
clusterconfiguration.installer.kubesphere.io/ks-installer created 18:13:51 CST skipped: [ksp-master-3] 18:13:51 CST skipped: [ksp-master-2] 18:13:51 CST success: [ksp-master-1] Please wait for the installation to complete: <---<< 20:13:51 CST skipped: [ksp-master-3] 20:13:51 ...
到这步 Please wait for the installation to complete: <---<< 代表前面安装已全部执行成功 稍等后便可安装完成,如安装未成功,则查看日志具体原因解决后,再重新执行一次 安装成功后会有登录控制台及查看安装日志命令信息,如下图 安装成功后,查看安装日志命令: ...
KubeKey installer stuck at "Please wait for the installation to complete" even though all pods are runningkind/bugCategorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. #6153 openedAug 24, 2024byDonaldKellett 2 多分支构建删除旧分支设置分支最大数量无效kind/bugCategorizes issue or PR as related to a ...