Mar 1 10:28:14 node2 kernel: [1551915.036109] IPVS: rr: TCP - no destination available Mar 1 10:28:14 node2 kernel: [1551915.036583] IPVS: rr: TCP - no destination available Mar 1 10:28:14 node2 kernel: [1551915.037133] IPVS: rr: TCP
error: unable to find suitable network address.error='no default routes found in "/proc/net/route" or "/proc/net/ipv6_route"'. Try to set the AdvertiseAddress directly or provide a valid BindAddress to fix this 1. 2. 3. 4. 解决方案:默认网关没有配置的问题,假如我默认网关是10.4.7.254...
apiVersion:v1kind:Servicemetadata:name:nginxannotations:io.cilium/global-service:'true'io.cilium/shared-service:'true'io.cilium/service-affinity:'local'# Possible values:# - local# preferred endpoints from local cluster if available# - remote# preferred endpoints from remote cluster if available# n...
部署一个模拟温度数据获取的 App: apiVersion:apps/v1kind:Deploymentmetadata:name:temperature-mapperlabels:app:temperaturespec:replicas:1selector:matchLabels:app:temperaturetemplate:metadata:labels:app:temperaturespec:hostNetwork:truetolerations:-key:""operator:"Exists"effect:"NoSch...
OK> select 1 (error) ERR SELECT is not allowed in cluster mode3、监听地址 bind、开启 AOF 持久化功能 appendonly yes5、关闭保护模式,允许远程访问 protected-mode no redis-default.conf 中的配置可以根据自己的需求修改:#...
No response NekodaJiangadded thebuglabelOct 20, 2023 en, I solve the problem. Please check the 'doc/manifest-example.yaml' in the source code root directory. The key is like this below: en, I solve the problem. Please check the 'doc/manifest-example.yaml' in the source code root dire...
Install vsphere-cloud-controller-manager Add labels to all nodes: kubectl taint node k8s Download vsphere-cloud-controller-manager.yaml: wget
wiki.js is an excellent open source Wiki system. Compared with xwiki, its functions are currently less complete than xwiki, but it is also making progress. Wiki writing, sharing, and permission management functions are still available, but the UI design is very beautiful, which can meet the...
No resources found in default namespace. 1. 2. 指定特定的命名空间:(-n 参数是指定特定命名空间 -namespace 的缩写形式): [root@k8s-master ~]# kubectl get deployments -n kube-system NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE calico-kube-controllers 1/1 1 1 36h ...
kubectl -n$nspatch DaemonSet/${ds}--typemerge --patch"$NoShedulePatchJson"sleep1done 进入节点终端(KS3.3 以上可用),运行脚本 sh-4.2# ./bash.shPatching resources:DaemonSet/nodelocaldnsinns:kube-system, daemonset.apps/nodelocaldns patched