Response Status Kind 什么什么api会返回status kind类型 Kubernetes will always return the Status kind from any API endpoint when an error occurs. Clients SHOULD handle these types of objects when appropriate. A Status kind will be returned by the API in two cases: When an operation is not succes...
# status<Object># Most recently observed statusofthe pod.This data may not be up to date.# Populated by the system.Read-only.More info:# kubectl explain pod.apiVersion #查看指定属性说明 #KIN...
kind<string>Kind is a string value representing theRESTresourcethisobject represents.Servers may inferthisfrom the endpoint the client submits requests to.Cannot be updated.In CamelCase.More info: metadata<Object>If the Labelsofa... 名称必须匹配<plural>.<group>name:crontabs.stable.example.comspec:# group 名称,用于RESTAPI:/apis/<group>/<version>group:stable.example.comversions:-name:v1served:truestorage:trueschema:openAPIV3Schema:type:objectproperties:# 定...
status<Object>Most recently observed status of the Deployment. 查看资源支持所有字段 kubectl explain { kind_name } --recursive 如:kubectl explain { kind_name } --recursive 因为太长这里就不列出来了。 查看具体字段里的子字段 kubectl explain { kind_name }.字段名1.字段名2 ...
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Podmetadata: name: counter spec: containers: - name: count image: lqshow/busybox-curl:1.28 args: - /bin/sh - -c - > i=0; while true; do echo "$i: $(date)" >> /var/log/1.log; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done volum...
KinD 是使用 Docker 容器“节点”运行本地 Kubernetes 集群的工具,KinD 主要用于测试 Kubernetes 本身,但也可用于本地开发或 CI
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler metadata: name: php-apache namespace: default spec: scaleTargetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: php-apache minReplicas:1maxReplicas:10metrics:-type: Resource resource: name: cpu target: type: Utilization ...
Here, the 'kind' means theKubernetes kind System.out.println(client.getKinds().toPrettyString()); for example, the output is ["DaemonSet","Node","Pod","ClusterRole","StorageClass","PriorityClass","ReplicationController","PersistentVolume","ReplicaSet","Job"] ...,一般来说Kinds和Resources是1:1的,比如pods Resource对应Pod Kind,但是有时候相同的Kind可能对应多个Resources,比如Scale Kind可能对应很多Resources:deployments/scale,replicasets/scale,对于CRD来说,只会是1:1的关系。