2、异常信息:Error from server (BadRequest): container “xej” in pod “xej-545694f448-jtmbf” is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image 3、异常信息:starting container process caused “process_linux.go:286: decoding sync type from init pipe caused \“read parent: connection rese...
getttig : ingress-nginx-controller-6b94c75599-dbcsg 0/1 ImagePullBackOff logs : Error from server (BadRequest): container "controller" in pod "ingress-nginx-controller-6b94c75599-dbcsg" is waiting to start: image can't be pulled ...
Error from server (BadRequest): container "net-test1" in pod "net-test1-7c9c4b94d6-xk8jp" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image 1. 2. 查看出问题的pod处于哪个节点之上,发现在node1节点上 [root@master ~]#kubectl get pods -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE...
kubelet_pods.go:897] "Unable to retrieve pull secret, the image pull may not succeed." pod="kube-system/snapshot-controller-84f7b9d567-z6d7j" secret="" err="secret \"my-app-registry\" not found" The secret is for an registry image we pull for pod. The secret and the pod that u...
Error from server (BadRequest): container "alertmanager" in pod "alertmanager-prometheus-prometheus-oper-alertmanager-0" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image 查看alertmanager-prometheus-prometheus-oper-alertmanager-0这个pod里config-reloader容器的日志,没报错。
使用场景一: distribute traffic to all avalible pods. 当一个APP 运行在多个pod上时,需要一个方法将流量分发到各个pod上去。 Service 有集成的load-balancer可以实现网络分发的功能,它会使用endpoints来监控所有available pods. Scaling a deployment 查看deployment ...
[root@k8scloude1 ~]# kubectl logs alertmanager-prometheus-prometheus-oper-alertmanager-0 -c alertmanager Error from server (BadRequest): container "alertmanager" in pod "alertmanager-prometheus-prometheus-oper-alertmanager-0" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image 查看alertmanager-prom...
Error fromserver(BadRequest):container"hello-openfaas"inpod"hello-openfaas-558f99477f-wd697"is waiting to start:trying and failing to pull image $ kubectl describe-n openfaas-fn deploy/hello-openfaasName:hello-openfaasNamespace:openfaas-fnCreationTimestamp:Wed,16Mar202214:59:49+0800Labels:faas_fu...
Error from server (BadRequest): container "pi" in pod "pi-trbk6" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image 删除这个节点后,分配到已有节点时,pod一直处于ContainerCreating kubectl logs pi-jrp6z Error from server (BadRequest): container "pi" in pod "pi-jrp6z" is waiting to star...
Error: trying and failing to pull image error 此error的常见原因是,中国block了google的源,所以需要将google的源替换为国内的源。 由于都是第三方的库,如存在拉取失败的情况,请灵活替换。 Error: cannot find tiller tiller执行文件在helm的压缩包当中,需要将helm可执行文件移到/usr/local/bin/目录下 ...