Together we will ensure that Kubernetes is a strong and open container management framework for any application and in any environment, whether in a private, public or hybrid cloud. --Urs Hölzle, Google Kubernetes 作为Docker生态圈中重要一员,是Google多年大规模容器管理技术的开源版本,是产线实践经...
Replication Controller确保任何时候Kubernetes集群中有指定数量的pod副本(replicas)在运行, 如果少于指定数量的pod副本(replicas),Replication Controller会启动新的Container,反之会杀死多余的以保证数量不变。Replication Controller使用预先定义的pod模板创建pods,一旦创建成功,pod 模板和创建的pods没有任何关联,可以修改pod 模...
Like minikube, kubectl comes installed in the online terminal. Type kubectl in the terminal to see its usage. The common format of a kubectl command is: kubectl action resource. This performs the specified action (like create, describe) on the specified resource (like node, container). You ca...
logs Print the logs for a container in a pod attach Attach to a running container exec Execute a command in a container port-forward Forward one or more local ports to a pod proxy Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server cp Copy files and directories to and from containers. auth Inspect...
I am trying to run my custom marklogic image on my local minkube cluster. Marklogic exposes multiple different ports for management (8001) and for querying (8000). Is there a way to expose multiple ports of a container on kubernetes? This is what I tried: # try to run container with ...
3、kubectl run ——创建并运行一个或多个容器镜像、创建一个deployment 或job 来管理容器 该命令前面也使用过,可能时间比较久了,这边还是在演示和深入一波 我们先创建一个nginx的pod资源,这里为了区别之前的nginx的pod资源这里我们换一个名字即可 #运行启动一个nginx pod资源[root@master01 ~]# kubectl run nginx...
In organizations, multiple numbers of containers run on multiple hosts at a time. So it becomes very hard to manage all the containers together, a simple solution to this would be Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services. Kubernetes take ...
COPYkube-configs./kube-configs # copy config files to containerRUNchmod+x kubectl # give permission to kubectlRUNmv kubectl/usr/local/bin/kubectl # move kubectl to bin folderRUNmkdir~/.kube # create folderforconfigsRUNecho ${KUBE_ENVIRONMENT}#forcheckenvironments(dev,stage,etc.)RUNcp/kube-conf...
$ kubectl logs-f my-pod -c my-container # 流式输出 pod 中容器的日志(stdout,pod 中有多个容器的情况下使用) $ kubectl run-i --tty busybox --image=busybox --sh# 交互式 shell 的方式运行 pod $ kubectl attach my-pod -i # 连接到运行中的容器 ...
Make sure to use kind as a simple way to run Kubernetes in a container. Here we will install the instructions from the official Kind website.curl -Lo ./kind$(uname)-amd64...