K8s API Server 默认会开启两个端口:8080 (Localhost Port)和 6443 (Secure Port),其中8080端口为WEB UI Dashboard,无需认证,用于本地测试与监控;6443端口需要认证且有TLS保护,用于远程连接 (如:通过kubectl管理集群) 问题现象 1.当我们使用kubectl命令时发现报如下错误 [root@k8s-master ~]# kubectl get podsT...
kubeadm join apiserver.vonedao:6443 --token ydkcxi.kpwd0i5p4xsooi9r --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:59cb39662742c328d6ba1039144298db13026d9164f333122363a24aad2e342e 检查集群(3.85上执行) kubectl get nodes 恢复k8s集群上的容器
kubernetes复制有状态的pod kubectl refused 在宿主机上执行kubectl 命令时,出现如下错误 [root@root ~] kubectl get namespaces The connection to the server xxx.xx.xx.xx:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port? 1. 2. 然后再网上找寻解决方案,发现各种各样的解决方案都存在。有说IP...
由于还没有初始化集群,kube将不会运行,因此出现了“连接被拒绝”的错误。 如果要验证防火墙/ufw设置是否正确,以便接受端口6443上的通信量(不安装kubernetes集群),则可以尝试如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 1. Install nmap " sudo apt-get install nmap " 2. listen to port 6443 "nc -l 6443" 3. open a ...
The connection to the server <server_ip_in_admin_conf>:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port? The only thing chaning in kubeadm init, is the --kubernetes-version flag is being set to 1.25 as oppose to 1.24.. ...
kube-api server won't start kubectl get pods The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port? What you expected to happen: 6443 port listen How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): ...
timeout=10s": dial tcp connect: connection refused ┌──[root@vms81.liruilongs.github.io]-[~] └─$ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 如果不使用systemd系统接管Kubernetes服务的标准输出,则也可以通过日志相关的启动参数来指定日志的存放目录。当然,这里...
"nginx" name: example spec: rules: # 一个ingress可以配置多个rules - host: foo.bar.com # 域名配置,可以不写,匹配*,或者写 *.bar.com http: paths: # 相当于nginx的location,同一个host可以配置多个path - backend: serviceName: svc-demo # 代理到哪个svc servicePort: 8080 # svc的端口 path: /...
原文:https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/23726 Deleted the old config from ~/.kube and then restarted docker (for macos) and it rebuilt the config folder. All good now when I do ‘kubectl get nodes’. rm -rf ~/.kube
$ kubectlgetpods--all-namespacesTheconnection to the server localhost:8080was refused-did you specify therighthost or port? 原因: kube-apiserver默认只启动安全访问接口6443,而不启动非安装访问接口8080 解决方案: $ sudo vi/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml# 修改--insecure-port=8080--insecur...