1、Windows 10 64位,专业版、企业版、教育版(15063或更高版本),推荐从msdn上下载cn_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_updated_sept_2019_x64_dvd_2f5281e1.iso(ed2k://|file|cn_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_updated_sept_2019_x64_dvd_2f5281e1.iso|5231140864|B1D5C4C401036B0B1...
Run Setup default configuration to Install Docker on your machine. Refer here if you need details about how to setup Docker on Windows 10 machine. Once you have successfully installed Docker, confirm deployment by typing “docker info” command in Command window as shown below. Now, we ...
This page serves as an overview for getting started with Kubernetes on Windows. Seedeploying Kubernetes on Windowsfor instructions on how to manually install Kubernetes on Windows in the environment of your choice. Scheduling Windows containers
我们的路子是:让 Docker Desktop for Windows 的 daemon 开启一个 TCP socket,然后告诉命令行去连这个 socket。具体操作是,先在 Docker Desktop for Windows 的配置对话框里选择选择“Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS”。如下图所示 然后在 WSL 里编辑 ~/.bashrc,加入一行 export DOCKER_HOST...
Docker containerization on Windows Key differences between containers on Linux and Windows Understanding Windows container variants Process isolation Hyper-V isolation Linux containers on Windows LinuxKit and MobyLinuxVM LinuxKit LCOW and Hyper-V isolation Installing Docker Desktop for Windows tooling Stable ...
Windows Server 容器 开发和运行应用程序 通过Helm 安装现有应用程序 将Kubernetes 桥接用于 Visual Studio Code 将Kubernetes 桥接用于 Visual Studio 使用OpenFaaS 使用Draft 创建容器化应用 使用PostgreSQL 生成 Django 应用 使用WebSphere Liberty 或 Open Liberty 构建 Java 应用 ...
Currently, in overlay networking mode on Windows nodes, kube-proxy can be configured with a source VIP. The challenge arises because the IP address for the source VIP is not always predetermined and varies depending on the CNI implementation. A well-known HNS endpoint name would streamline the ...
Azure CNI supports Windows node pools. Clusters can be deployed in existing or new virtual networks. On-premises access is supported by using VPN or Azure Express Route. You can expose Kubernetes services by using a load balancer service, Azure App Gateway...
Windows with WSL (experimental) All the above Quick Start steps apply, except you have to run theMakefiletargets in WSL usingvagrant.exeon the host while inside clone of this repo on Windows filesystem, not WSL filesystem. First, get the path for yourvagrant.exeon the host useGet-Command...
A Kubernetes cluster: Create an AKS cluster that contains Windows nodes and uses the “azure” network plugin. An Active Directory Domain: Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS) provides a convenient way of spinning up an AD domain. If pre-created AD domains exist, th...