Run the following command to view the namespaces that are stuck in theTerminatingstate: kubectl get namespaces 1. Select a terminating namespace and view the contents of the namespace to find out thefinalizer. Run the following command: kubectl get namespace <terminating-namespace> -o yaml 1....
it created a namespace for that project, and annotated the namespace with afinalizertoken that said before a namespace is deleted, an external agent needs to remove its lock on the object that says
Run the following command to view the namespaces that are stuck in theTerminatingstate: 1 kubectl get namespaces Select a terminating namespace and view the contents of the namespace to find out thefinalizer. Run the following command: 1 kubectl get namespace <terminating-namespace> -o yaml Yo...
Sometimes the process to delete namespaces gets stuck, and the command never completes. While the command returns a message showing that the namespace was deleted, querying it indicates that it's actually in aTerminatingstate: $ kubectl delete namespace tackle-operator namespace"tackle-operator"dele...
In 1.16, the namespace cleanup controller adds details to the namespace status if it is blocked waiting for an API to become available. What version are you running and what is the content of the namespace object that is in terminating (kubectl get namespace $name -o yaml) liggitt added...
查找了一通,有相当多的类似情况,尝试了大多数都没有效果,直到找到github这个问题:, 尝试上面的各个方法,没有解决。最后的最后,找到了这篇文章How to fix — Kubernetes namespace deleting stuck in Terminating state。 按照步骤做下来,解决了。方法如下:...
# 解决namespace Terminating,根据实际情况修改<namespaces>curl--cert/tmp/client.pem--key/tmp/client-key.pem--cacert/tmp/ca.pem-H"Content-Type: application/json"-XPUT--data-binary @/tmp/temp.json<namespaces>/finalize ...
我正在尝试终止Kubernetes中的名称空间argo。在过去,我已经成功地按照这里找到的方向Kubernetes Namespaces stuck in Terminating status 然而,这一次,我得到了以下错误消息。这意味着什么,我该如何解决这个问题? 浏览28提问于2021-09-16得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 是否有办法取消kubernetes中的命名空间终止? 、 我的名...
├─5919 /usr/local/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 -namespace -i> ├─6415 /usr/local/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 -namespace -i> ├─6969 /usr/local/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 -namespace -i> lines 1-23 ...
在客户端命令行上显示的Pod状态为“terminating”; 跟第三步同时,当kubelet发现pod被标记为“terminating”状态时,开始停止pod进程: 如果在pod中定义了preStop hook,在停止pod前会被调用。如果在优雅删除期限过期后,preStop hook依然在运行,第二步会再增加2秒的优雅时间; ...