经过确认之后,该node上面的镜像都在使用中, kubernetes应该是尽力去清理镜像了, 清理完之后还是有inode pressure, 于是只能驱逐pod了, 驱逐之后node状态变为ready , 随后有新创建的pod会调度到该node上面,运行一段时间后inode资源又不足, 又进行驱逐回收... 如此循环往复,导致集群状态不稳定,有大量的pod被evict掉。
NodeLifecycle 控制器会发现节点状态没有按时更新,超过一段时间(可通过参数--pod-eviction-timeout 来指定)后,它将驱逐节点上的Pod。 如果这个Pod 属于某个Deployment 对象,那么Deployment 对象所需的副本数量将减少,这时Deployment 控制器将会补齐Pod 副本数量,替换掉因为宕机而被删除的Pod。 Pod Eviction 简介 Pod E...
the pod will not be scheduled onto the node.// If the affinity requirements specified by this field cease to be met// at some point during pod execution (e.g. due to a node label update),// the system will try to eventually evict the pod from its node.Required...
(Local Ephemeral Storage Capacity Isolation) moved to GA in Kubernetes 1.25. The feature provides support for capacity isolation of local ephemeral storage between pods, such as emptyDir volumes, so that a pod can be limited in its consumption of shared resources. kubelet will evict a pod if ...
Specifies whether to automatically evict pods that do not have sufficient temporary storage space from elastic container instances. Automatically evict pods whose temporary storage spaces are insufficient k8s.aliyun.com/eci-core-pattern /pod/data/dump/core The directory in which core dump files are ...
Run the kubectl describe pod [name] command for the problematic pod:The output will help you identify the cause of the issue. Here are the common causes:Insufficient resources—if there are insufficient resources on the node, you can manually evict pods from the node or scale up your cluster...
$ kubectl describe pod <name> The results will assist you in determining the root cause of the problem. The following are some of the most prevalent causes: Insufficient resources:If a node’s resources are insufficient, you may manually evict pods from the node or scale up your cluster to...
--hard-pod-affinity-symmetric-weight int 1 [0,100] 1.14-1.20 --kube-api-burst int 100 [30,3000] 1.14+ --kube-api-qps float 50 [20,5000] 1.14+ --feature-gates mapStringBool - - 1.14+ --feature-gates=EnableEvictHistory -
有趣。值得注意的是,节点上的所有Pod都被安排进行驱逐。但是,重要的是不要误以为这表明了PDB无法正常工作。这只是对其预期操作的通知。让我们继续查看接下来发生的事情。evicting pod default/my-super-apperror when evicting pods/"my-super-app" -n "default" (will retry after 5s): Cannot evict pod as ...
在驱逐过程中会首先选择优先级(Pod.Spec.Priority)更低的Pod进行驱逐,若优先级相同, 则优先驱逐内存资源用量更多的Pod,直至整机内存用量降低到配置的安全水位(evictThreshold)以下。 执行过程: 在内存紧张(1s扫描1次)的情况下,比如85%的情况下,计算需要删除的内存总量。 驱逐顺序:在驱逐过程中会首先选择优先级(Pod...